寄生虫標本・ 文献に関するデータ / Parasitological Data

目黒寄生虫館所蔵タイプ標本一覧 / Catalogue of Type Specimens of Parasites in the Meguro Parasitological Museum

Updated on 2024/04/29

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 この一覧は、「日本に保管されている寄生蠕虫類模式標本目録 (第二集)」(町田昌昭・荒木潤・満岡孝 著 (1991年), 国立科学博物館 発行)、 および「A Revised Checklist and Bibliography of the Platyhelminth Parasites by Dr. Yoshimasa Ozaki, 1923-1966, and their Specimens Deposited in the Meguro Parasitological Museum, Tokyo.」(Shimazu, T. (1995), Journal of Nagano Prefectural College, 50: 33-50.) に収録された当館標本データを元に、加えてそれ以降に記載され当館に登録された標本と、あらたに保管が明らかになった種を追加して、現在計 1,337 種を収録しています。
 表では、寄生蠕虫類を綱(単生虫、吸虫、条虫、線虫、鉤頭虫)別に分け、各綱の中で種名をABC順に配列し、当館の標本登録番号(MPM Coll. No.)を示しています。
    The catalogue is based on data of "Catalogue of Type Specimens of Parasitic Helminths Preserved in the Museums in Japan, 2nd Ed." (Machida, M., Araki, J. & Mitsuoka T., 1991; National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo) and "A Revised Checklist and Bibliography of the Platyhelminth Parasites by Dr. Yoshimasa Ozaki, 1923-1966, and their Specimens Deposited in the Meguro Parasitological Museum, Tokyo."(Shimazu, T. (1995), Journal of Nagano Prefectural College, 50: 33-50.), and newly registrated data of parasite specimens deposited to Meguro Parasitological Museum after 1991. Type specimens of 1,337 parasite species are recorded until now.

日本の野生動物の寄生蠕虫類 / Check List of Parasitic Helminths of Wild Animals in Japan

日本の哺乳類寄生蠕虫類リスト / Check List of Parasitic Helminths of Wild Mammals in Japan (Updated on 2013/06/30)

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日本の鳥類寄生蠕虫類リスト / Check List of Parasitic Helminths of Wild Birds in Japan (Updated on 2013/06/30)

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   This checklist is mainly based on data reported by Dr. S. Yamaguti (below), in the papers and the website below, and some corrections had been made.

  • Asakawa, M. and Hasegawa, H. (2003) Parasitic nematodes from avian and mammalian species in Japan. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 58: 79-93. / 浅川満彦, 長谷川英男 (2003) 日本で記録された鳥類と哺乳類の寄生線虫類. 日本生物地理学会会報, 58: 79-93.
  • Hasegawa, H. and Asakawa, M. (2003) 10. Parasitic Helminth Fauna of Terrestrial Vertebrates in Japan. In: Progress of Medical Parasitology in Japan, p.129-146. / 長谷川英男, 浅川満彦 (1999) 10.陸上動物の寄生虫相. 日本における寄生虫学の研究, p.129-146.
  • Kugi, G. (1987) Studies on the Helminth Fauna of Vertebrates in Oita Prefecture. Part 1. Mammalian Helminths. Published by the author. 137 pp.
  • Kugi, G. (1988) Studies on the Helminth Fauna of Vertebrates in Oita Prefecture. Part 2. Avian Helminths. Published by the author. 186 pp.
  • Kugi, G. (2004) Studies on the Helminth Fauna of Vertebrates in Oita Prefecture. Part 3. Mammalian and Avian Helminths. Published by the author. 106 pp.
  • Kuramochi, T. (1999) 9. Helminth Fauna of marine mammals in the waters around Japan and adjoining seas. In: Progress of Medical Parasitology in Japan, p.121-128. / 倉持利明 (1999) 9.海産哺乳類の寄生蠕虫相. 日本における寄生虫学の研究, p.121-128.
  • Nagasawa, K. (1999) Parasites of pinnipeds (Mammalia: Carnivora) in Japan: Checklist and bibliography. Bulletin of the National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, 36: 27-32. / 長澤和也 (1999) 日本産鰭脚類の寄生虫リストと文献目録. 遠洋水産研究所研究報告, 36: 27-32.
  • Uchida A, Uchida K, Itagaki H, Kamegai S. (1991) Check list of helminth parasites of Japanese birds. Japanese Journal of Parasitology 40: 7-85.
  • Parasitic helminth lists of wild organisms in Japan (except for parasitic nematodes)(Dr. Y. Yokohata, Lab. Wildlife Conserv., Dept. Env. Biol. Chem., Fac. Sci., Univ. Toyama, Japan) / 日本産寄生生物リスト/日本産寄生虫種数調査のお知らせとお願い(富山大学理学部 生物圏環境科学科 野生動物保全学研究室 横畑泰志博士)

山口左仲博士の報告した日本の魚類・両生類・爬虫類・鳥類・哺乳類の寄生蠕虫類 / Check List of Parasitic Helminths of Wild Animals from Japan and adjacent areas, reported by Dr. Satyu Yamaguti

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  • Kamegai, Sh. and Ichihara, A. (1972) A Check list of the helminths from Japan and adjacent areas. Part 1. Fish parasites reported by S. Yamaguti from Japanese waters and adjacent areas. Res. Bull. Meguro Parasitol. Mus., No.6: 1-43.
  • Kamegai, Sh. and Ichihara, A. (1973) A Check list of the helminths from Japan and adjacent areas. Part 2. Parasites of amphibian, reptiles, birds and mammals reported by S. Yamaguti. Res. Bull. Meguro Parasitol. Mus., No.7: 33-64.

Indexes of "Essentials (Principals) of Trematodology, Cestodology & Nematodology (USSR)"

  • Index of Essentials of Trematodology Vol. 1-26 (PDF file
  • Index of Essentials of Cestodology Vol. 1-14 (except Vol. 12) (PDF file
  • Index of Essentials of Nematodology Vol. 1-29 (PDF file